
So what are Chakras?

The word Chakra derives from the Sanskrit word for 'wheel'. They are points of concentrated energy or vortexes on our subtle body and they help us to accept, assimilate and give out life force energy. Each chakra is associated with an organ and endocrine gland and each resonates at a different frequency which corresponds to a colour in the spectrum. They are not physically detectable, being part of the subtle energy system of the body according to the ancient Indian approach. Traditionally there are seven major chakras and each relates to one of the seven levels of the aura or subtle body having a different colour in the rainbow spectrum.Depending on our circumstances chakras can seem to be overactive and too open or sluggish and too closed. Ideally they are balanced each with one another but this is rare due to our lifestyle and spiritual evolution. An easy way to detect these imbalances is to hold a pendulum over each chakra in turn and note how it swings. If it swings too fast and wide, the chakra is too open: if the swing is lethargic then the chakra is blocked but if it swings evenly then the chakra is balanced. Behaviour and mood can also indicate whether or not a chakra is balanced.

The Seven Chakras and where they are situated.

1st. The Base or Root Chakra known as the 'muladhara' in Sanskrit is located at the coccyx - the base of the spine.

2nd The Sacral Chakra or 'svadisthana' is located about 2-4 inches below the naval.

3rd The Solar Plexus or 'manipura' is located in the upper stomach approximately 4 inches below the tip of the sternum.

4th The Heart Chakra or 'anahata' is found in the centre of the chest area in line with the physical heart.

5th The Throat Chakra or 'vishuddha' is situated in the throat near the Adam's apple and over the larynx.

6th The Third Eye/ Brow Chakra or 'ajna' is in the middle of the forehead at a point roughly in line with bridge of the nose

. 7th The Crown Chakra or 'sahasrara' is located at the top of the head - some say at the fontanelle or 'soft spot' and some say just above the head.

So before attempting to bring about a good balance of energies it is necessary to decide which chakras will need to be concentrated on. This is where using a pendulum can help. When you see where the imbalances lie then treatment with crystals, or Reiki or colour can help to re -align the chakras.

- The Root/Base Chakra. Located at the coccyx.

Sanskrit name - Muladhara - meaning root or support. It is depicted as a lotus of four petals within which is a square and a downward pointing triangle.

This chakra is concerned with physical needs, the bones and skeletal structure and the adrenal glands.

Colour - Red.

Element - Earth energy. If insufficiently open feelings of spaciness can occur.

Gemstones - Ruby,Red Jasper, Garnet, Hematite, Bloodstone, Smokey quartz.

Sense - Smell

Sound - African, Cuban.

Essential Oils - Clary Sage, Patchouli, Cedarwood.

Animal - Elephant.

Characteristics - Too open - pendulum swings wide and fast. Self-centred, bullying, dishonest, hyperactive.

Blocked - pendulum is sluggish. Lack of confidence, low self-esteem, fearful, alienated.

Balanced - pendulum spins evenly. Centred, grounded, independent, healthy.

If you think you have a problem with the Root chakra then here are one or two ideas that you may like to try to bring it back into balance.

Create a sacred space or meditation area dedicated to the Root chakra. It can be shelf or a small table but it should be your own personal altar. It could even be a tray which you tuck away out of sight if necessary. First of all you can cover your 'altar' with a red silk scarf or piece of red material. And then collect together 'objets' which have a special significance and association in aligning the Base chakra. Perhaps a red candle and a picture of Ganesha the elephant god or a crystal Elephant. Place several crystals around making a pattern of a lotus flower with bloodstones or hematites or smokey quartz. A plant to represent the earth element - maybe a red primula or a miniature rose. Then try and find a few minutes each day to yourself and light the candle, hold a crystal in each hand and try to meditate for 5 or 10 minutes.

Another idea is to wear something red - you will be surprised at what a boost this can be physically. A red tee shirt or even a scarf or red socks and sit for a few minutes with your crystals. Sitting upright on a chair with a straight back and your feet firmly planted on the ground, hold the appropriate crystal in each hand and relax each of your muscles in turn starting at your feet and working up your body. When you are totally relaxed visualise the colour red streaming in through your crown chakra and travelling down through your body to the root chakra and bathing it in the healing light. You can burn some cedarwood oil or incense or Lavender and play African drumming music or Latin American and dance !!

For the less energetic treat yourself with one of the flower essences that vibrate to the colour red - Dr Bach's Flower Remedies - Red Chestnut, Cherry Plum or Aspen. Give yourself a crystal healing treatment. Find a quiet and comfortable place where you won't be disturbed. Drink a glass of water before and after the treatment. Play some quiet music if you wish and burn some incense or scented candles. You will need several crystals choosing from those mentioned already. Place a hematite for grounding on your lower stomach and surround this stone with smokey quartz to dissolve negative energies, tiger's eye for optimism and bloodstone for helping with detoxification. Place a hematite on each thigh. Then lie quietly for as long as you can. Drink some water for grounding afterwards and don't forget to cleanse your crystals.

You may like to make an affirmation each day. For example - '' I shall take responsibility for my life'' or '' I am fully grounded''.

Strengthen your connection to the Earth - take a walk in the countryside or take some physical exercise. You could even plant a trough or jardiniere with plants that vibrate to the colour red like Black eyed Susan, geraniums, red poppies etc. These are few of my ideas - from these you can experiment and find one that suits you.

The Sacral Chakra.This is located in the lower abdomen between the navel & genitals.

Sanskrit name - Svadhisthana meaning Sweetness.

It is depicted as six orange-red petals containing a second lotus flower and a crescent moon within which lies the 'makara' a fish tailed alligator with a coiled tail.

This chakra is concerned with receptivity, nuturing and the emotions, sexuality, lower back problems.

Colour - orange.

Element - water.

Gemstones - Carnelian - This is an orangey-red crystal and is useful to dispel apathy and passivity. Citrine - A yellow-brown or amber coloured quartz that opens one up to tackle emotional problems in relationships. A very supportive stone especially for those who are experiencing instability. Moonstone - This stone helps the feminine side of one's nature. A calmer of emotions and good for promoting self love.

Sense - Taste

Sound - Latin American, Brazil

Essential oil - Bergamot, Orange blossom, Jasmine, Sandalwood..

Animal - Fish tailed Alligator.

If the pendulum swings wide and fast - chakra is too open - characteristics are excessive behaviour, emotionally unbalanced, manipulative and sexually addictive.

If the pendulum is sluggish -chakra is blocked - too hard on oneself, feelings of guilt, possibility of frigidity or impotence. If the pendulum swings evenly - balanced chakra - characteristics- trusting, attuned to ones own feelings, creative.

To bring your sacral chakra into balance try some of these ideas.

Burn some essential oil - Jasmine, Sandalwood or Rose.

Lie down and place a number of carnelian or citrine gemstones on your solar plexus chakra in a pattern. Place a larger stone in the centre and radiate the others in a star shape. Relax for at least 15 minutes - you can combine this with a reiki healing.

Wear an orange scarf tied around the waist or an orange skirt and dance!

Try a breathing meditation with colour - breathe in orange and visualise it travelling from your crown chakra, travelling down through your body until it bathes your sacrel chakra in warm orange liquid and dissolves away all those fears.

After any of these exercises be sure to ground yourself by placing your feet firmly on the ground and feel yourself connecting with the Earth.

Create an altar or a sacred space where you can meditate. Collect some objects on which you can focus such as an orange candle, an amber necklance or stone. Maybe an orange feather or silk scarf and a picture of a dolphin or a starfish to symbolise the water element. A personal treasure or love token to remind you of fun times.

Try Dr Bach's Flower essence Willow or Gorse to bring back your self esteem and belief in yourself.

Make up an affirmation to repeat each day. For example - '' I am working towards being totally happy and fulfilled' '' Who I am is good enough!''


The Solar Plexus Chakra. It is located between the navel and base of the sternum.

Sanskrit name -'' Manipura'' meaning lustrous gem.

It is depicted as a ten-petalled lotus within which is a downward-pointing triangle surrounded by 3 T-shaped 'svastikas' or Hindu symbols of Fire.

This chakra is concerned with bridging differences to accomplish wholeness and resonates to the colour yellow. Associated crystals are - Yellow Citrine - When used on the solar plexus this stone can help you to access your own personal power. Gives self-confidence and is beneficial in digestive problems.

Sunstone - This comes in a range of colours as well as yellow and orange. Very good for releasing tension and stomach ulcers.It increases the ability to receive ideas and energy.

Yellow Tiger Eye - Clears negative energy from the solar plexus and protects against psychic attack.

Yellow Calcite - It is said to intensify the energy of this chakra and is also good for problems associated with the pancreas, kidneys and spleen.

Animal - Ram.

Element - Fire.

If the pendulum swings wide and fast - chakra is too open - characteristics are anger, being a workaholic, judgemental, lack of humour, addictive behaviour.

If the pendulum is sluggish -chakra is blocked -characteristics - fearful of being alone, insecure, needing reassurance, apathy.

If the pendulum swings evenly - balanced chakra - characteristics- personal power, uninhibited, spontaneous, cheerful and self confident.

To bring your sacral chakra into balance try some of these ideas.

Burn some essential oil - Bergamot, Ylang ylang, Cinnamon.

Lie down and place a yellow citrine or sunstone on your solar plexus. Surround it with yellow calcite stones and hold a clear quartz laser in each hand. You can also place a clear quartz single terminated crystal above your crown chakra pointing towards your feet and one between your feet pointing towards your crown. Relax for at least 15 minutes - you can combine this with a reiki healing.

Try a meditation to help balance your solar plexus chakra. Imagine you are walking through meadows, see and smell all the flowers and pay particular attention to the yellow ones like primroses and marigold or buttercups. In a clearing a fire is burning, so bathe in its warmth and feel it regenerating your solar plexus. Let your mind run free and see where you go - finding a pool or cave glistening with citrines!

Wear a bright yellow T shirt or twist some gold coloured scarfs together and make a belt - sew some gypsy coins on the points and wear a yellow turban!.

I remind you again to be sure to ground yourself after meditating by placing your feet firmly on the ground and feel yourself connecting with the Earth. Feel those roots going down.

Try one of the Dr Bach flower essences to balance the solar plexus - Aspen for those unknown fears or Honeysuckle to help you live in the 'now'.

Find a quiet corner and create a sacred space or altar where you can place some 'objets' that are personal to you. A piece of rutilated quartz which shines with golden inclusions. A bowl of yellow primulas or daffodils. A yellow candle. A keyring with the Ram (Aries) on it.

Make a list of things you want for yourself on yellow coloured paper and do a ritual burning on a sunny day. (fire)

Make up an affirmation to repeat each day. For example - ''My personal power is becoming stronger each day .'' '' I deserve all the joy and love that is coming to me.''

Heart Chakra.
It is located in the centre of the chest.
Sanskrit name -'' Anahata'' meaning ''sound made without two things striking''.
and depicted as twelve petals around a six-pointed star.

This chakra is concerned with unconditional love, compassion and forgiveness.
Physical dysfunctions - high blood pressure, heart problems. circulation.

It resonates to the colours green and rose pink .

Associated crystals are -
Jade -green - to reassure the vulnerable, for mercy and compassion.
Watermelon tourmaline - green and pink -- allows the heart chakra to connect with the Higher Self. Regulates the hormones.
Aventurine - green - enhances personal creativity, stress-relieving.
Rose Quartz - pink - for self love, to heal emotional wounds, to soothe grief.

Animal - Antelope.

Element - Air.

If the pendulum swings wide and fast - chakra is too open - characteristics
are possessiveness, conditional love, selfishness.

If the pendulum is sluggish -chakra is blocked -characteristics - fearing rejection, self-pitying, feeling unworthy.

If the pendulum swings evenly - balanced chakra - characteristics - compassionate, in touch with own feelings, empathic, loves unconditionally.

To bring your heart chakra into balance try some of these ideas.
Burn some essential oil - Geranium, Rose, Bergamot.
Take a bath with rose bath bubbles.

Wear a rose quartz on a long cord or chain close to your heart. Or try
relaxing in a warm and comfortable situation and place a rose quartz
on your heart and surround it with a circle of jade stones or beads.
You can combine this with a reiki healing.

Try a meditation to help balance your heart chakra. Imagine
you are walking down a green and grassy path and the air is scented with
the smell of roses. Ahead of you is a cave in the side of the hill. When you
enter the cave you are surrounded with beautiful rose quartz crystals. Take rest,
place your hands on your heart and communicate with the crystal deva.

Always ground yourself after meditating by placing your feet firmly on the ground or go and hug a tree. Even drinking a glass of water will bring you back down.

Get yourself ''in the pink'' and wear that shocking pink T shirt you have
been hiding!! Tell all your friends how much you appreciate them.

Take one of the Dr Bach flower essences Wild Rose to stop those feelings
of resignation or Beech to help see what is good in the world.

Create your own sacred space or altar where you can meditate and collect some
things that are personal to you.
If a relationship needs healing put a picture of your loved one together with
a heart shaped rose quarz or maybe a piece of watermelon tourmaline.
Write your affirmations on some pink paper and use green ink. Place a
book of inspirational verse beside the photograph. Find a picture of the Venus
de Milo. Get a green coloured feather, a peacock's maybe, to symbolise the
Air element.

Make up an affirmation to repeat each day. For example -
'' I love myself for just being me.'' I send love to everyone I know.'' The love
I feel is unconditional.''

Throat Chakra. It is located at the base of the neck.
Sanskrit name -'' Vishuddha'' meaning ''Purification''.
Depicted as a lotus with sixteen petals within which is a downward pointing
triangle and a circle to represent the full Moon.

This chakra is concerned with communication, sound and self -expression.

It resonates to the colour blue.
Physical dysfunctions - sore throats, problems with thyroid, hearing difficulties, asthma.

Associated crystals are -
Sodalite - to help to articulate and show your true self.
Blue Lace Agate - to combat shyness, offer courage, help to heal laryngitis and sore throats.
Blue topaz - Helps one to learn of one's true feelings, releases anger.
Celestite - to assist in clairaudience and dream recall, helps writers in their
search for stories.

Animal - Elephant, bull.

Element - Ether.

If the pendulum swings wide and fast - chakra is too open - characteristics are being over-talkative, arrogant, self righteous.
If the pendulum is sluggish -chakra is blocked -characteristics - unreliable, full of inconsistencies, always making excuses.
If the pendulum swings evenly - balanced chakra - characteristics - good at communcating, contented, inspired artistically.

To help to bring your throat chakra into balance try some of these ideas.

Burn some essential oil - Chamomile, Lavender, cypress.

Take a bath adding some blue bath oil and burn a lavender scented candle
whilst listening to some gentle and calming music such as the natural
sounds of the Rainforest.

Wear a blue lace agate on a choker style chain .

Give yourself a crystal healing by lying down and placing three sodalite crystals
in a line from your throat down your chest. Place turquoises either side and
a quartz crystal laser above your crown pointing downwards.
Combine this with a Reiki self treatment.

Try a meditation to help balance your throat chakra. Imagine you are walking
beside a blue lagoon feeling the warm sand between your toes. See a myriad
of colours and crystals glistening in the lagoon and take a swim with the
dolphins. See where they take you - down to a coral reef full of blue
sea anemones perhaps. Listen to their stories.

Remember to always ground yourself after meditating by drinking a glass of cool
spring water or take a walk barefoot on the grass.

If you are suffering from an overworked or sore throat then wrap a cool
blue/green silk scarf around your throat and take a gargle of Tea Tree oil
diluted in warm water.

Meditate on your throat chakra by breathing slowly and evenly, relaxing all
of your muscles in turn. Then imagine you are breathing in a blue mist, bringing
it in through your mouth and cooling and calming your thoat. As you exhale
release all the constriction in your throat.

Take one of the Dr Bach flower essences. Heather - for those over talkative people who fear loneliness.
Vervain - for strain and tension felt by those over-enthusiastic people who have fixed
Rock Water for those who practice too rigid a routine.

Create a sacred place where you can place special objects to help you think
'blue' . It can be small table or a shelf or a tray that you can put away out of sight.
Cover it in a soft blue cloth - velvet possibly.
Some ideas that might help you to focus on your own creativity.
A native American or Egyptian necklace with Lapis Lazuli beads.
Create a water feature - fill a shallow glass bowl with water coloured with
blue food colouring. Add a few drops of Lavender essential oil and float
some candles in it. Do not leave this unattended especially if children are
Add a bowl of blue pansies or forget me nots and a book of favourite poems. Read
one aloud each day.

Make a daily affirmation - '' I acknowledge that I have creative talents''
'' I know I have the confidence to speak for myself.''

Third Eye Chakra.
It is located above and between the eyebrows.
Sanskrit name -'' Ajna'' - meaning 'to know, to perceive''.
This chakra is depicted as a lotus with 2 large petals on each side of
a circle which contains a downward pointing triangle. The petals look like 2 eyes or
could be seen to represent both sides of the brain working together.

This chakra is concerned with intuition and connection with the higher self.
It resonates to the colour indigo, purple.

Physical dysfunctions - headaches, poor vision, ear problems.

Associated crystals are -
Amethyst - a stone to meditate with, balances the energies of the intellectual, emotional and physical bodies.
Azurite - to awaken psychic abilities, and stimulate the pursuit of the heavenly self.
Fluorite - the stone of discernment which prepares one's being for healing on the emotional and physical level. Good for disorders in the bone structure.
Lapis Lazuli - the stone of total awareness, bringing relief to those bothersome thoughts lodged in the recesses of the mind. It shelters one from psychic attack.
Moonstone - The stone for feeling and understanding via intuition, cleansing negativity from all the chakras.

Animal - None

Element - Light.

If the pendulum swings wide and fast - chakra is too open - characteristics
authoritarian, arrogant, impatience leading to headaches and bad dreams.

If the pendulum is sluggish -chakra is blocked -characteristics -
undisciplined, tendency towards schizophrenia, lack of concentration, setting sights
too low.

If the pendulum swings evenly - balanced chakra - characteristics - very intuitive, charismatic, clairvoyant.

To help to bring your third eye chakra into balance try some of these ideas.

Burn some essential oil - Rose Geranium, Eucalyptus, Violet.

When you have a spare 30 minutes, go and find your special place, light some nag champa incense, play your favourite meditation tape and lie down placing a large amethyst on your third eye.

Fill your bathroom with the smell of Rose Geranium oil whilst taking a shower.
Give yourself a good head massage with your favourite shampoo and visualise
that the water cascading around you is a deep amethyst colour cleansing away
all stresses.

Wear a moonstone bangle or using face glue stick a tiny lapis or purple fluorite on your third eye. Very exotic ;o)

Whilst giving yourself a Reiki treatment rest an azurite or lapis lazuli on your
third eye and surround yourself with 6 quartz lasers with points inwards. Play pan pipe music or specially written chakra music.

Find a cheap glass clip frame and trace your favourite mandala onto the
glass filling in the colours of all shades pink through purple with glass paint.
Or you could trace off the picture of the 3rd eye chakra and meditate on it.
Place this on your special altar.
You can also hang a dream catcher here (or by the window in your bedroom)
and place a crystal ball or scrying bowl and your favourite Tarot deck on a
lilac silk cloth.
Light a scented candle beside a statue of your Goddess, Buddha, religious icon or cross.
Now spend time here doing your favourite creative visualisations or playing a
guided meditation tape.

After any meditative work always remember to ground yourself by drinking a glass of cool spring water, hugging a tree or imagine yourself taking root.

If you are suffering from a stress headache, rub your forehead with some
cooling after sun gel and tie a purple silk bandana loosely around your head.
Visualise the cool lilac colour washing down over your face and releasing your
headache and taking it away.

Take one of the Dr Bach flower essences. Beech for intol erance, Aspen for worry, Clematis for day dreamers and Impatiens for irritability.

Make a daily affirmation - ' Imagination gives life to my creativity'
'' I trust my inner self to guide me along my path''


Today - Crown Chakra.
It is located at the top/crown of the head. (Some perceive it to be 6 - 8 inches above the head)
Sanskrit name -'' Sahasrara'' - meaning 'Thousandfold''.
This chakra is depicted as a thousand white lotus petals.

This chakra is concerned with enlightenment, self-realisation, fulfillment.

It resonates to the colours white, violet and gold.

Physical dysfunctions - exhaustion, Alzheimer's and diseases of the nervous system.

Associated crystals are -
Clear quartz - a crystal for meditation, fills the aura and chakras with light and
heals the etheric. Promotes spiritual expansion.
Amethyst -to open and activate the crown chakra, helps to bring about a sense of spirituality.
Diamond - to help in stimulating spirituality and far sightedness. Keeps negativity away.

Animal - None

Element - Cosmic energy.

If the pendulum swings wide and fast - chakra is too open - characteristics -
psychotic or manic depressive, frustrated.

If the pendulum is sluggish -chakra is blocked -characteristics -
undisciplined, tendency towards schizophrenia, lack of concentration, always feeling tired, unable to make decisions.

If the pendulum swings evenly - balanced chakra - characteristics - at
peace with oneself, charismatic personality, spiritual.

To help to bring your crown chakra into balance try some of these ideas.

Burn some essential oil - Lavender, Frankincense, Clary Sage.

Take time for meditation. Sit or lie in a warm and safe place and imagine
that a crown consisting of the 1000 lotus petals encircles your head.
Bring down through the centre a white or golden light from the source
and allow the light to circulate throughout your body, nourishing all
your cells. Feel your mind soaring away and communicating with
your higher self as you become lighter and enlightened. Float
airily on a cloud and then bring yourself back down through your crown, gently closing the petals as you see yourself envigorated and making fresh beginnings.

Make a quartz crystal garden by filling a cut crystal bowl with sand
and arranging your favourite lasers and points in a pattern. Sprinkle
some fresh white petals around each day.

If you are lucky to have a tree, either small or large in your garden why
not hang windchimes and crystals from the branches and create a special
place to sit, relax and ponder.

Wear a quartz pendant - you can also use it for dowsing.

Give yourself a Reiki and crystal healing by placing a crystal on each
chakra -
Smokey quartz - Root, Carnelian or golden topaz on the Sacral, Malachite
on the Solar Plexus, Rose Quartz at the Heart, Celestite at the Throat and
a single terminated quartz pointing upwards at the Crown.
At your feet place 2 clear quartz pointing towards the body.
Give yourself a Reiki treatment for 15 minutes.

Make sure you fully ground yourself after any treatment. Wash your
hands in running water, walk around the garden barefoot if possible.

If you can't decorate a tree in your garden then create a sacred
space in your house which is personal to you and dedicated to your Crown chakra. Cover a small table with a white linen or lace cloth. Have a clear
bowl of scented water containing white crystal beads or tumble stones
and float candles on top. Perhaps you have a crystal pyramid or a gold coloured
model of Shiva the Hindu god or a golden sun. Light a single large white
candle and surround it with a chakra stone bracelet.

Take one of the Dr Bach flower essences. Cherry Plum for depression or
fears of instability. Water Violet for aloofness and Wild Oat for uncertainty.

Make a daily affirmation -

''I am a radiant and unique human being.''

''I am who I am and I am glad to be me''.

''I will release all those limiting thoughts and be free''.



This web page is owned by Karen Smith April 2000

All rights reserved.