Ananda's Crystalgem Grids


What are crystalgem grids? They are tools for empowerment, for blessings, for prosperity, for love, for healing, for creating a sacred space, and much more.

A grid is formed by making a geometric pattern with crystals,which can be tumblestones, or natural rough stones. The pattern can be any design you like - a Star of David which is the most popular, a Reiki symbol, a pentagram or another symbol of your choosing.

A basic grid consists of 7 stones - 1 in the centre and 6 making the design. To charge and empower your grid you can use a wand, maybe rose or crystal quartz , or you can energise your grid by feeding it with Reiki. A lot of us use both. I will normally charge my wand by drawing the Reiki symbols on it and then energising it between my hands.Then I will move around each of the grid stones in turn.

I usually start at the 1 o'clock stone weaving the wand in and out to the centre stone, back to 3 o'clock and so on around the grid. As I draw the pattern I will make the necessary affirmation or chant a mantra. Remember always to cleanse the stones regularly by passing them through some ineense such as sage for example. Or you can leave them for a couple of hours in a glass bowl of spring water to which you have added a couple of drops of a flower essence such as Dr Bach's Rescue Remedy or Ananda's Primrose Gemflower essence. Allow the crystals to dry naturally in diluted sunlight.


You can also make up a grid for balancing and empowering yourself. Take seven cleansed and blessed crystalgems - one for each chakra, lie down and place one on each of the 7 major chakras. For example Base - Haemetite or Bloodstone, Sacral - Carnelian or Tiger's eye, Solar Plexus - Citrine, Heart - Aventurine and/or Rose Quartz, Throat - Turquoise or Blue Howlite, Third eye - Amethyst, Crown - quartz crystal.

Rest quietly with the stones in place for no more than 15 minutes. When you remove the crystals place them in your sacred space making your favourite pattern. The grid will continue to work for you.

Grids can be further empowered by placing a sunburst of quartz points or lasers around the centre design. This is one of my favourite grids . I keep it in my treatment room to generate healing energy.

These are some grids that I like to work with..

Citrine crystal grid

Citrine encourages individuality and self confidence. It bestow joie de vivre and helps to overcome depression.

This is one crystal that doesn't need cleansing

Aventurine crystalgem grid

This would be a good grid for healing by distance as aventurine enhances relaxation, regeneration and recovery. It reveals what makes us happy or sad and fortifies self determination..


Amethyst and Hematite crystalgemgrid


Amethysts encourage spirituality and are very good for meditation practices as they help to quieten the mind. They will also help concentration as well as heighten ones' perceptions. Hematite is also a stone for the mind and is good for creating a balance between the yin and yang energies.

Rose quartz crystalgem grid

Rose quartz is the loving stone encouraging love for ourselves and for others. It helps to ease our worries making us more sensitive and empathic..

Carnelian crystalgem grid


Carnelian gives us the everyday courage to overcome and face any difficulties. It has the ability to lift the emotions as well as help us to solves our problems.


Red Tiger Eye and Blue Lace Agate crystalgem grid


Tiger eye is another stone for balancing the yin-yang energies as well as bringing a clarity to our thought processes. It produces soothing vibrations and generates calmness which is why it works so well with Blue Lace Agate another cooling stone. Good for activating the chakras, blue lace agate can help one to enter into a higher awareness when used for meditation.








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©Karen Smith 2001