

What is Reiki ?


Our whole energy field - and that includes our physical body - is very responsive to thoughts and feelings and this flow of energy can become blocked when negative thoughts arrive - whether consciously or subconsciously. Reiki will help to break through these blockages as it flows through the aura and those affected parts of the energy body, by charging them with positive energy and consequently raising our vibratory level.

It clears and balances the chakras and allows the lifeforce energy to flow around our body in a natural way. This will accelerate the body's own natural healing ability. Reiki is guided by a higher intelligence so it will find its way to those parts of the body which most need healing and it will adjust its energy to suit the person being healed. Therefore you would only receive as much energy as you need.
You don't need to believe in Reiki for it to work. Most animals will accept it and they probably don't even know what it is!

Of course you have to meet Reiki halfway too. This may mean changing your lifestyle a little, but Reiki will even assist you to do this by bringing about a calmer and more relaxed state of mind.

You do not need any particular religion or belief system for Reiki to work and there are no complicated rituals to be practiced to make the energy flow. Usually just placing your hands palm down, on yourself, or another will cause the energy to flow but if you prefer then you can use your own 'trigger' such as saying Reiki ON and Reiki OFF - at least until you get used to working with the energies. After attunement, the ability to channel Reiki doesn't wear off or wear out. Even if you stop using it, Reiki will still be available to you years later. You may need to practice a little to re-establish the flow but you will never lose Reiki. And having another attunement will always boost those Reiki batteries. The attunement process creates a Reiki channel - rather like being a fibre optic tube through which the Reiki will flow. This is drawn in through the Crown chakra and from there it will flow down the Reiki channel streaming out through the Palm chakras. It will also flow through the brow, throat, heart and can be breathed out. It is said that Usui sensei could channel Reiki through his eyes so everything is possible - just try it. Reiki is more ''pulled'' by the recipient rather than ''pushed'' by the practitioner, although this is not a conscious process because it is controlled by your higher self. It is not the healer's own energy so that it cannot be affected by how the practitioner feels and therefore it is impossible to pick up any negativity or illness from the recipient. So both are protected during the treatment.

People's experiences of Reiki are very varied although there are some common reactions. Some feel a gentle tingling, or a sense of inner vibration ; some feel heat or even coldness whereas some feel nothing at all. This does not indicate a lack of effectiveness so do not be disheartened if you, the practitioner, feel no reaction when you place your hands on yourself or another. You do not need to experience distinctive sensations to enjoy the benefits of Reiki. Most people achieve a deep state of relaxation which allows physical, mental or emotional stress to leave the body and return to a feeling of well-being. Reiki can transform your life in many powerful and wonderful ways.There is no belief system attached to Reiki so anyone can receive or learn to give a Reiki treatment, the only prerequisite is the desire to be healed.

Where did Reiki come from?

In an effort to make this Reiki acceptable to Westerners, Mrs Takata gave us a history that has since been proved to be nothing more than a fairy story. She did this for the best possible reasons but as we now have the facts available to us I see no point on repeating what can be found on many other websites.

These are the facts as we know now about Mikao Usui - sensei.

He was born in Taniai-mura (now Miyama-cho) Yamagata-gun, Gifu-ken on August 15th 1865. He studied abroad learning history, medicine, relition, psychology and shinsen jutsu.

Whilst fasting on Mt Kurama seeking enlightenment in March 1922, a strong universal Reiki light went through his head and he was awakened to realise that this universal healing technique was within him. He had acquired the healing power of Reiki and named it Reiki Ryoho.He wished to pass on healing to as many people as possible and founded the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai in Aoyama, Tokyo in April 1922. There he practiced Reiki healing and taught others.

He helped to heal many victims of the big earthquake in Kanto area which hit in September 1923 . He then moved to larger permises in Nakano in February 1925. Because he was now very well known his reputation spread which meant he was often invited throughout the nation. He died abruptly in an inn in Fukuyama after travelling around Kure, Hiroshima and Saga. It was March 9th 1926 and he was 62 years old. He had raised more than 2000 Reiki students and left us a wonderful legacy.

A Reiki treatment.

The method of receiving a Reiki treatment from a practitioner is a very simple process. The recipient just lies on a couch and relaxes. If they are unable to lie down the treatment can be given in a sitting position and the practitioner gently places their hands non-intrusively in a sequence of positions which cover the whole ( clothed) body. A full treatment usually takes about an hour with each position held for several minutes.

Which conditions can Reiki help?

It is possible to heal at any level of being: physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. Acute injuries can be helped to heal very quickly but more chronic illness takes longer. Reiki healing can be given anywhere at any time as no special equipment is needed.Reiki supports all forms of treatment both orthodox and complementary.

What are the Reiki degrees?

In the first degree, four of your energy centres are reawakened and attuned. The energy centres are known as chakras. The first degree attunements are primarily focused on the physical body, so that it can respond by opening up to accept and transfer quantitities of the life force energy. The attunements will raise the vibratory level of the four spiritual centres: the crown, the third eye, the throat, and heart chakras.



In the second degree, you learn distant healing and the symbols that are used for sending and projecting this energy. It is good to wait at least a couple of months before taking the second degree in order for the energy to 'settle down', but this is up to the student. After the Reiki Two attunement, students often find themselves more aligned to their Higher Selves.



`The third level is sometimes separated into 2 stages - stage one gives a further initiation and stage two gives the knowledge to be able to teach. The fee for the Masters degree can be quite high but it proves the worth of the third degree to any student aspiring to become a Master/Teacher.




Dr Usui set down Five Spiritual Principles written by the Meiji Emperor which are probably more well known like this -

Just for today I will give thanks for my many blessings,

Just for today I will not worry,

Just for today I will not be angry,

Just for today I will do my work honestly,

Just for today I will be kind to my neighbour and every living thing.

These five principles are not set down to constrict you but to help your consciousness to become more free.

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If you would like to receive a distant healing please go to the Distant Healing Network



The DHN has over 700 volunteer healers who send healing out each week to more than 200 requests.

I am proud to be the Manager of the DHN. If you are a reiki practitioner

Spiritual healer, shaman or belong to a prayer group then why not consider joining us as a volunteer.

Just click on the above and follow the link.

Karen is a Master/Teacher in Usui & Tibetan Reiki.

Lightarian (tm) Karuna Ki .Seichem

Crystal Healer. M.M.A.N.F. (crystals)

Iris Int. dip (Vibrational Therapies)

The contents of this website are the intellectual property of Karen Smith

and subject to international copyright law. © 2000 Karen Smith.